Mabon: Gods’ Eye Decorations with Carrie

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Mabon: Gods’ Eye Decorations with Carrie

We will make these decorations as a representation of the connection of the 4 elements with the Eye of God in the middle. It represents the wisdom of the all-seeing that helps us understand what we cannot. It also is used as a protective charm and a rather lovely tree decoration to boot! 


-Straight sticks of approximately the same length. (popsicle sticks, twigs from the yard, pencils, wooden skewers with the tips cut off)

-Different colors of yarn (whatever is available, colors that speak to the creator within us are awesome. I love to use fall colors to decorate doors and altars - red, yellow, dark green, brown, white and black)


Scissors to cut the yarn

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Carrie is a professional storyteller and artist, with a bachelor's degree in history and folklore. She is also mother to two Pagan children and one hamster, who all live with her Scandinavian husband in Lacey.